12 Months Shahid VIP Subscription
sku: MRSHD12M
Availability: In stock
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12 Months Shahid VIP Subscription. Delivery by E-mail
- As a part of MBC Group SHAHID is the number one premium Arabic VOD service in the world offering all MBC group content at a seamless experience and thus becoming the top destination for Premium content viewing online. It has the largest library of Arabic movies & the latest, besides offering exclusive dramas & shows that get updated around the clock.
- Please visit: Shahid.net/voucher
- Enter the voucher code
- Provide your email and password
- Enjoy Shahid VIP
Redemption Process
- The voucher is valid for new Shahid VIP subscribers only
- The voucher is valid for single use only
- The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash, reimbursed or resold
- The use of Shahid service is subject to all terms and conditions available on https://shahid.mbc.net/ar/terms-and-conditions These terms and conditions must be accepted to be able to activate your voucher and benefit from the service
- If you face any problems while redeeming your voucher, contact Shahid at Customersupport@shahid.net
Terms and Conditions
- No refund
- No exchange after confirmation
- Knet payments only
- Exchange is allowed only if the code was invalid